The Education Team   

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 Education Team School Program  



Telephone: +612 4578 2296 E-mail:

No set fee is charged for our program, however school/student donations are gratefully received. These funds help our association support ALL veterans, past and present.
Cheques made payable to VVAA St Marys Outpost sub-Branch or electronic transfer, details on request.

The Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia St Marys Outpost Branch has an Education Team ready to assist with the education of students on the Vietnam War Era. This team offers a unique and invaluable educational resource comprised of volunteers from the Vietnam Veteran Community who can:

  • Give a team presentation to junior and senior students relative to the History Syllabus Topics on the Indo-China Wars
  • Share personal experiences, memories and an extensive collection of Vietnam War equipment and memorabilia with students
  • Assist students study and assignment programs through individual and group interview
  • Provide family members to talk to students on the immediate and ongoing impact of Vietnam service on husbands and families

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Address Students at Anzac and Remembrance Day Assemblies.
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The Education Program may be used while studying the Vietnam War Topic or for revision purposes prior to assessment.
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NB Vietnam Veteran presenters have undertaken a "Valuing our Veterans" training seminar - Child Protection Issues have been addressed with the relevant authorities.
Schools are required to maintain total student supervision at all times.
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Act now to reserve a place in our program.

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Sample/Schools visited: Bede Polding, Blacktown Girls & Boys, Bonnyrigg, Cambridge Park, Canley Vale, Caroline Chisholm, Cheltenham Girls, Erskine Park, Evans, Galston, Gilgandra, Girraween, Glenmore Park, Illawara Christian, Jamison, Kingswood, Loreto Kirribilli, Mary Mackillop, McCarthy College, McDonald College, Monaro District, Mt St Benedict, Nepean, Nepean District Christian, Norwest Christian, Parkes, Putland ETU, Richard Johnson Anglican, Riverstone, Rooty Hill, St Andrews, St Agnes, St Clair, Stella Maris, Sutherland Christian, Terra Sancta, The Hills Sports, The Scots College, Wollemi College, Xavier College

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This initiative has the support of the NSW Department of Education and Community, Catholic Education Commission and the Association of Independent Schools


The Presentation

Each Presentation consists of:

Vietnam Visuals/Music – "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place".

Short Introduction by team detailing their Vietnam War involvement.

"I Was Only 19" DVD – Redgum – showing images of Vietnam War.

"Battle of Long Tan" – overview emphasising The ANZAC Spirit.

Explanation of: "Why Australian Troops went to Vietnam" – with AV support.

National Service Ballot – using one set of actual birthdates drawn – students participate in this Conscription exercise. A realistic experience for students.

Role Play – "What it was like to be a Combat Soldier" – illustrating the impact of the war on veterans. Students dressed in combat gear and enemy gear – volunteers required. Equipment, rations, infantry tactics, lifestyle etc discussed.

Discuss the impact of War on Veterans and Families covering:
   - Agent Orange Issues
   - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
   - Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service
   - Department of Veterans Affairs

Powerpoint presentation covering Events, Attitudes and Opinions from 1962-72 and beyond - ie Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War.

Welcome Home Parade – Sydney - 1987 – Veterans personal experiences.

Dedication of Vietnam War Memorial – Canberra - 1992 – Veterans personal experiences.

Short powerpoint presentation on Australia's six MIA's – now repatriated.

Question Time – from students and teachers – we like to answer questions!

Additional music/visuals from the 60's/Vietnam War – if time permits.

Equipment required: Screen, table space for display of memorabilia.

Session time – preferred 120/150 minutes.

NB Students MUST be supervised at ALL times by school staff.

It is recommended that students bring a notebook and pen.

Contact: Vin Cosgrove – Education Team Co-ordinator – – for further information.

 Education Team Report – 2015

Eleven years on, the Outpost Education Program continues to attract a full calendar of secondary school bookings.

Across 2015 over one hundred hours of presentation time was delivered to a total of just on four thousand senior students. These figures and outcomes confirm that the Vietnam War topic continues to be a popular study area for students and teachers. Some schools have varied their study programs because of the Centenary of Gallipoli this year and other Western Front Battle Commemorations over the next three years.

WW1 and WW2 History are also very significant and popular study and research topics for schools. It is worthy of note also that junior school students are exposed to aspects of our military history laying the foundation for more mature study and understanding of our ANZAC heritage, values and beliefs later in their school years.

As in previous years donations to the Outpost from schools engaging the Education Program cover all administration and running costs of the program and leave a healthy sum to support other Outpost programs. Significantly, accounting records show that the Education Program has attracted $82,000.00 (approx) in donations across eleven years of operation.

Included with this edition of Western Outpost News is an article published on the Norwest Christian College website commenting on a recent presentation by the Outpost Education Team to their senior students. These complimentary comments are the norm for all presentations and help explain why around 55,000 senior students across the years have benefited educationally through their involvement with this program.

Several schools who annually engage the Outpost Education program also encourage their senior students to support Legacy, particularly through badge selling across Legacy Week. A photo of three willing badge sellers from Bede Polding College working with Outpost members accompanies this report, along with a photo of teachers from Castle Hill joining in the role play/dress up segment of school presentations. Not just the students enjoy dressing up!

A special thank you to all members of the Outpost who have supported the Education Program across 2015 and a happy, healthy, enjoyable Christmas to all Vietnam Veterans and their families. Around about fifty years on since your 'tour of duty'. Well done those men and women!

Vin Cosgrove OAM
Outpost Education Program

 Education Team Report – End of Year 2011

*December 2011 marks seven years of operation for the Outpost Education Team Program. This pro-active program has been specifically designed to address NSW Board of Studies requirements for schools studying/researching Australia's Involvement in the Vietnam War.

The ongoing success of this project is evident by the number of schools utilising the E-Team presentation as part of their yearly teaching program. More information and photos of E-Team activities are available through the Education link on the VVAA St Marys Outpost Website.

Team outcomes for this year include:-

  • 57 E-Team presentations involving 46 school visits (30 Government, 16 Non-Government) completed with a total of approximately 5425 Year 10 students.
  • 25 Anzac Day/Remembrance Day Service guest speaker appointments attended involving approximately 12000 junior / senior students.
  • 9 Individual student interviews given.
  • 3 Community group presentations delivered.

  • $10304.00 school/student donations to Outpost received in appreciation of E-Team involvement in school programs.

Sincere thanks to the following 17 veterans/wives who were directly involved with E-Team presentations or as Anzac/ Remembrance Day Guest Speakers throughout the year: Ron Blakely, Greg & Jude Cant, John Collyer, Vin & Nancy Cosgrove, Bill Cox, Bob & Lucy Devaise, Ted Fish, Gary Fizzell, Tony Fryer, Maree Johnson, Tony Mullavey, Jeff Perry, John & Joanne Stanford.

  • Special thanks to all Outpost members for their ongoing support for this proactive, student/veteran interactive program.
  • A 'Christmas Wishes' email will be sent to all schools utilising E-Team programs.
  • Early bookings for E-Team programs for 2012 indicate another busy year ahead for team presenters.


Vin Cosgrove
Education Team Co-ordinator

 Education Team Report – July 2011

Outpost Education Team Report covering achievements/outcomes to date this year (July 2011) includes:

  • 44 Year 10 school visits completed involving a combined total audience of (approx) 4,600 students.
  • 5 student interview/recording sessions completed.
  • 2 Community Group presentations delivered.
  • 23 ANZAC Service guest speakers provided for schools involving (approx) 12,000 students.
  • 16 Outpost members involved in presentations/guest speaker engagements.

Sincere thanks to all Outpost members involved in the Education Team program.

Vin Cosgrove
Outpost E-Team Co-ordinator

 Education Team Report - November 2010

Another busy and successful year for the E-Team draws to a close as schools look towards the Summer Vacation. Throughout 2010, eighty schools have utilised the E-Team for Vietnam History presentations and guest speakers at ANZAC and Remembrance Day Services. Additionally fifteen individual students have been supported with study and research assignments focused on Vietnam. Further, four community group talks have been given. In total E-Team Vietnam Veterans have connected with more than 21000 students.

For the delivery of the above mentioned E-Team achievements special thanks are due to the following: Greg & Jude Cant, John Collyer, Vin & Nancy Cosgrove, Bill Cox, Bob Devaise, Gary Fizzell, Tony Fryer, Bill & Maree Johnson, John Kinsela, David Patterson, Jeff Perry, John Stanford, Don Watters, Ray Westwell.

The involvement and contribution to E-Team programs by these Outpost members are greatly appreciated by the students, teachers and parents of schools visited. Thank you is also due to many other Outpost members for their general support of the E-Team Project.

Also worthy of note; 2010 school donations in appreciation of E-Team presentations exceed $9000.00, making the project totally self funding as well as contributing to general Outpost financial management.

Looking to the future, recent media reports have indicated that the Vietnam War Topic may be 'stripped' from the forthcoming National History Syllabus for Year 10 students. That matter is still under discussion. Advice from the NSW Board of Studies is that the current NSW History Syllabus will continue for 2011. That being the case a similar program of events and school bookings for the Outpost Education Team can be anticipated for next year.

As usual a Christmas Message will be sent from the Outpost Education Team to all schools visited throughout the year.

Merry Christmas,

Vin Cosgrove
Outpost E-Team Co-ordinator

Honour the Dead
But Fight Like Hell for the Living

 © St Mary's Vietnam Veterans' Outpost ABN 88 139 839 090, The Train, Cnr Hall St and Mamre Rd, St Marys NSW; PO Box 3049 South St Mary's 2760; Phone: +61 (0)2 9833 4711, +61 (0)2 9833 4700;